Welcome to OCIDENTAL - Surgical and Anesthesiology Residents Case Reports!
In 2024, we proudly launched OCIDENTAL with the vision of creating a dynamic platform for residents to share their intriguing and didactic cases in different surgical specialities and anesthesia. As Editor-in-Chief and Junior Editor-in-Chief, we are thrilled to introduce this webjournal, born from the imperative to facilitate the publication and dissemination of resident-authored case reports.
OCIDENTAL embodies our commitment to accessibility, freedom, and simplicity. It is a webjournal by residents and for residents, designed to be a conduit for the exchange of knowledge and experiences within our community. Our goal is to empower residents to showcase their unique cases, fostering continuous learning and development.
In this era of digital connectivity, OCIDENTAL offers a space where residents can publish and access compelling case reports with ease.
Thank you for being part of OCIDENTAL's journey as we embark on this collaborative endeavor to elevate the exchange in surgical and anesthesiology case reports.
Warm regards,
Vasco Silva Cardoso, MD, Junior E-i-C
Diogo Cardoso, MD, E-i-C